Yule is a time during which I can embrace the Light and grow beyond my present reality and create something different. In the Light, I can consider possibilities, such as
“Someday, when I am brave enough,
I will think… I will do… I will say… I will act… I will be…”
In looking at these ideas, I think it is intent that drives and guides any resulting actions. Intent is the purpose behind what we do, as something we have given thought to and that rises from our place of knowing, wisdom, and passion. We declare “this is what shall be.” We clearly see an end-vision and a result. Indeed we are, perhaps, touching on life’s purpose.
Is intent as simple as having a goal or goals? Yes, in one way. There can be good intentions gone badly, but the power in walking a spiritual path honoring of integrity, continual personal growth, and evolution is that we come to understand what nurtures our intentions, how we arrived at them, and why they sometimes have to be shifted, adjusted, and changed – nothing is a definite. It comes down to choice.
We live in accord with the intention we put out for ourselves and our life, and even to wider intentions – those we hold for family, loved ones, community, and the world. Intention is not as much about whether we succeed or fail. Sometimes we set ourselves up to fail, because we put intentions out there that we cannot live up to.

The question becomes "Do we keep the promise we make to ourselves?" If we have set something out as an intention, it is the belief or the light at the end of any particular tunnel in the moment. Then, what is our faith in that belief holding us true and living in accord with it? What choices will we make along the way to keep us aligned with that purpose and goal, causing us to be aware of it as we learn, grow constantly, and mature?
One of the things that keeps us aligned to the intentions we have set for ourselves and our lives is the urge to be living in relationship to our higher self and our understanding, at some level, regarding what matters.
The Light of Yule, of this holiday season, informs and inspires my interfaith work. Today, interfaith has an expanded vocabulary. We speak of interspiritual, multiple religious belonging, and participation. However, what does matter is participation. I have participated with interfaith liturgies in a various ways. One was as an invited guest observer at a liturgy. Another as a guest when I was asked to say a prayer from my tradition and share teaching. Another was at a celebration, such as a harvest celebration where another clergy and I stood side by side and took turns saying prayers and reciting texts from our traditions. Of course, officiating interfaith weddings and celebration of life memorials are part of the work. Then there is a truly collaborative process that designs and writes an original interfaith liturgy.
When I consider the intent of “Someday…” it is inherently with the community in mind. Whether I speak of my family community, academic community, spiritual community, or my expanded community around the world, that “Someday…” is already here and now.
So may our Circle of community, be blessed by our presence, as we bless each other with courage and joy and love and peace, and wisdom above, below, and in between each of us.
Blessed be.
Lady Cynthia