The Temple of the Creative Flame is expanding and evolving. Our community connections are anchored in even wider corners of this beautiful Earth Mother and so our Sabbat gatherings touch those far reaching places.
Last year the Sabbats were all celebrated in person in Arizona. They enriched and deepened our connections and community magical workings. This year we are creating video gatherings, allowing all who choose to step into our celebrations to do so when the time feels right to them.
Community work is collaborative work. We are so fortunate to have connections with visionary artists like Lauren Raine, whose Masks of the Goddess will always be represented upon our altar and in our work. And the music of the EarthSpirit community through MotherTongue chants and short songs bring depth to our video experiences.

Some aspects of each Sabbat celebration will always be the same, deepening the ritual aspect of each. The opening music, the elemental hand mudras when calling the directions, and Communion of the Goddess may become familiar to you, anchoring energetic connections that are not bound by time and space.
There will also be focused meditations created by Lady Cynthia Cebuhar which can be returned to time and again for inspiration and reflection.
The Wheel of the Year turns and we are ever changing!
The Goddess is ALIVE, and She loves her children!
The Temple of the Creative Flame is a temple of the Goddess serving the greater Pagan community. We are a temple of thinkers and lovers of life, building bridges through ceremony, ritual, and dialogue within safe and sacred space. All are welcome who come with open minds and open hearts. WE SERVE through a unified alignment with courageous hearts and compassionate minds.
Altar shown: Imbolc, 2024. The Goddess Bridgit
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