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Patricia Ballentine

The Blessing of The Stranger

Blessings All:

For many years it has been a tradition in the circles of my life to offer The Blessing of The Stranger.

I share the blessing with you in this season of recognizing and offering thanks for the abundance in our lives. It is a reminder that there is always a “Stranger”…seen or unseen…who plays a role in our unfolding lives. Our family often sets a plate at the table for The Stranger upon which we place a bit of the finest morsels from our meal and a chalice or cup with a bit of our finest wine or water. When the meal is complete we take those morsels and the wine and make an offering to the Earth by returning them to Her as a source of the nourishment they provide.

Perhaps as we journeyed this year you were already a friend or loved one in my life. Perhaps, you were The Stranger whom I met on the journey and my life has been ever changed by our meeting.

Today I am deeply grateful for the gift your presence is to me.

May this season bring you peace, love and joy.

Since ancient times it has been a tradition to welcome The Stranger who approached our threshold or crossed our path. The Stranger was seen as the potential bringer of a great gift or lesson…and we recognized that we could well be such to them. Fear was not the foundation of the meeting…rather Love. Perhaps we had completed the harvest and The Stranger was a bard or great storyteller who would provide countless hours of enjoyment for our family as we sat gathered 'round the fire on cold winter nights. Perhaps they were simply without a meal for the evening and we could add a bowl of soup for them at our own table. And, perhaps we were The Stranger at the door of another seeking a warm hearth and open heart.

Artwork by Lauren Raine

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